Deciding Between Dental Amalgams and Composite Fillings

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In the world of dentistry, there is often more than one way to treat a damaged tooth. In the case of cavities, both dental amalgams and composite fillings can be effective. Deciding between dental amalgams and composites fillings does not have to be a difficult one. For more information about amalgams and composites, consider the following:

– If a dental amalgam is damaged, it will need to be taken out and replaced. If a composite filling is damaged, it can be repaired or replaced without taking out the filling.
– If you need a dental filling that blends in with the natural color of your teeth, composites are a better choice than amalgams as amalgams leave a metallic finish compared to composites, which can be shaded to better match your usual tooth color.
– If you wish for mercury-free dental fillings, avoid dental amalgams and go with composite options instead.
– Dental amalgams are metallic dental fillings that are often best implemented with large and oversized cavities. Composite fillings are tooth-colored fillings that are often best implemented with smaller cavities.

If you would like a dental filling treatment from Lighthouse Dental & Orthodontics at our dentist office in Riverton, Utah, please contact us at 801-446-6310. Dr. Samuel Richey and the rest of our team will ensure you get the cavity-free smile you desire. Visit us today, and your smile with thank you!